Individual & Family Assistance
We rise by lifting others.
Below is information about our family and assistance program, what it offers, and how to receive assistance.
As we do try our best to help each person that reaches out to us, please understand services are limited, understand these services are for those who have been through, or currently going through trauma (life altering situation). We strive to help you and your family in your time of need. For some of our programs (bill pay, etc.), you will be required to show proof of needing immediate help. Please understand that most of our services and programs are not long term, we strive to help you get in a better situation immediately and provide you with the tools and next steps to help you in your journey of life. With this program we do 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month follow ups to make sure you're not still depressed, having suicidal thoughts, etc. Our goal is to help you see a better month, and refer you and help you apply to programs that are put in place for you to have a better year, and connect you to outsource programs that will benefit you for life. While we give you the plan and next steps, and maybe even overload you with links, and information to help you, it is your responsibility to take those next steps!
It's alright, you got this! Don't let fear take over you!

"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it."
Please fill out the form below if you are needing services.
As we may be referred to you, or a situation may be brought to our attention via social media, after initial introduction and contact, it's a must conversation is transferred to our company email, or our company Microsoft Teams chat to keep things as confidential as possible.
Our Services:
Transportation: We will provide you with a bus pass for the month. If you need to get back to your home town due to safety or survival, we will provide you with a train ticket.
Coaching: As our founder is completing her studies for being a Trauma Recovery Coach, and we have social workers, and health care workers on our team, we do provide the space for you to vent, and/or be advised when you need it for the month, as stated above we do periodic follow ups, our goal is for you to see your life has meaning, for you to understand we are here to help, for you to know you're not alone. For you to have a safe place to let everything off your mind without being judged please join our Wellness Circle!
Education: As we will help you find the best program rather that is a trade school, or a college, we also offer Driver education free of charge through one of our sponsors, (please understand this service is limited)
Workforce: While we will not apply for the jobs for you, we will create and fix your resume, and send you the best jobs out there that matches your personality and experience.
Housing: If you and your children need immediate housing for the night, we will save you the headache and search in your area for an immediate spot, if an immediate spot in a shelter is not available we may provide the coverage of a motel for up to 2 days for you all.
COMING SOON: Post-Partum Doula Services & in-home babysitting services (you have to remain in the home the entire time)
Please know, for any program you choose, you will be given the tools (links, other programs, etc.) to help you in the near future!