PTWEco. Scholarship
2022 recipient:

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - N.M.
Scholarship Rules:
ANYONE (not gender specific) that has been through trauma
Between ages of 18-25
Future trade school, and college students can apply
Topic: Your past, present, & future
Trauma related - telling a piece of your story, how you have grown, The field you will be focusing on and why, you may add in as many details about your trauma as you see fit, or you have the option to keep it scarce. The gruesome details of your trauma is not on the grading scale.
You may choose between a 500 word essay, or a 3 minute video, but NOT both.
If you choose essay, remember it must be a minimum of 500 words, Times new roman 12pt font, and double spaced.
If you choose video, remember you must have a plain colored background and good lightening, with minimum to zero background noise.
Scholarship opening date: February 1st
Scholarship closing date: June 25th
Recipient notified: August 1st
$500 Payout given: more information given to recipient.
Any entries made before opening and after closing will not be considered.